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Harpactirinae (POCOCK, 1897):
Augacephalus junodi (SIMONI, 1904)
Augacephalus junodi (SIMONI, 1904)
Augacephalus junodi (SIMONI, 1904)

Ceratogyrus bechuanicus PURCELL, 1902 Spinnerets
Ceratogyrus bechuanicus PURCELL, 1902 Spinnerets

Ceratogyrus brachycephalus HEWITT, 1919
Ceratogyrus brachycephalus HEWITT, 1919
Ceratogyrus brachycephalus HEWITT, 1919
Ceratogyrus brachycephalus HEWITT, 1919

Ceratogyrus meridionalis (HIRST, 1907)

Ceratogyrus sanderi STRAND, 1906
Ceratogyrus sanderi STRAND, 1906
Ceratogyrus sanderi STRAND, 1906 mating

Eucratoscelus pachypus SCHMIDT & VON WIRTH, 1990
Eucratoscelus pachypus SCHMIDT & VON WIRTH, 1990
Eucratoscelus pachypus SCHMIDT & VON WIRTH, 1990
Eucratoscelus pachypus SCHMIDT & VON WIRTH, 1990 mating
Eucratoscelus pachypus SCHMIDT & VON WIRTH, 1990 mating
Eucratoscelus pachypus SCHMIDT & VON WIRTH, 1990 mating

Harpactira cf. guttata STRAND, 1907
Harpactira cf. guttata STRAND, 1907

Pterinochilus chordatus DCF (GERSTÄCKER, 1873)
Pterinochilus chordatus LCF (GERSTÄCKER, 1873)
Pterinochilus chordatus LCF (GERSTÄCKER, 1873)
Pterinochilus chordatus LCF (GERSTÄCKER, 1873)
Pterinochilus chordatus LCF (GERSTÄCKER, 1873)
Pterinochilus chordatus LCF (GERSTÄCKER, 1873)
Pterinochilus chordatus LCF (GERSTÄCKER, 1873)
Pterinochilus chordatus LCF (GERSTÄCKER, 1873) Carapace
Pterinochilus chordatus LCF (GERSTÄCKER, 1873)
Pterinochilus chordatus LCF (GERSTÄCKER, 1873)
Pterinochilus chordatus (GERSTÄCKER, 1873) mating
Pterinochilus chordatus (GERSTÄCKER, 1873)
Pterinochilus chordatus (GERSTÄCKER, 1873)
Pterinochilus chordatus (GERSTÄCKER, 1873)
Pterinochilus chordatus (GERSTÄCKER, 1873)
Pterinochilus chordatus (GERSTÄCKER, 1873) variation
Pterinochilus chordatus (GERSTÄCKER, 1873)
Pterinochilus chordatus (GERSTÄCKER, 1873) Tibial spur
Pterinochilus chordatus (GERSTÄCKER, 1873)

Pterinochilus lugardi POCOCK, 1900 juvenile

Pterinochilus murinus RCF POCOCK, 1897
Pterinochilus murinus POCOCK, 1897 Box
Pterinochilus murinus TCF POCOCK, 1897
Pterinochilus murinus TCF POCOCK, 1897
Pterinochilus murinus TCF POCOCK, 1897
Pterinochilus murinus TCF POCOCK, 1897
Pterinochilus murinus TCF POCOCK, 1897
Pterinochilus murinus TCF POCOCK, 1897

Stromatopelminae (SCHMIDT, 1993):
Xenodendrophila gabrieli GALLON, 2003
Xenodendrophila gabrieli GALLON, 2003
Xenodendrophila gabrieli GALLON, 2003
Xenodendrophila gabrieli GALLON, 2003
Xenodendrophila gabrieli GALLON, 2003
Xenodendrophila gabrieli GALLON, 2003
Xenodendrophila gabrieli GALLON, 2003
Xenodendrophila gabrieli GALLON, 2003 juvenile
Xenodendrophila gabrieli GALLON, 2003 juvenile
Xenodendrophila gabrieli GALLON, 2003 juvenile

Eumenophorinae (POCOCK, 1897):
Anoploscelus celeripes POCOCK, 1897

Ischnocolinae (SIMON, 1892):
Heterothele villosella STRAND, 1907
Heterothele villosella STRAND, 1907 with eggsac
Heterothele villosella STRAND, 1907 with eggsac
Heterothele villosella STRAND, 1907
Heterothele villosella STRAND, 1907
Heterothele villosella STRAND, 1907

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